Tuesday, March 10, 2009


A squiggly worm I call him

My heart is how I hold him
My joy
Reason to be

An always moving wonder
Kissing my cheeks

He's almost two - you'll know him
My son
My sun
My Julian.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Troubles with the technical

Tonight could have been a relaxed evening. Micha happy - having drunk his and my sherry - me feeling immensely better. Even rosier, I had seen some of the best photos of my recent past on our weekend shots.

Then the technocurse struck. The one that hits ALWAYS straight before a deadline, or - even more consistently - right before the external presentation. This one must have been inspired by the rest of the day. No need to let a bad streak end on a good note. Or something in that way of thinking.

Hours later - I've restarted my computer many many times, searched fruitlessly for the hinted at missing driver, switched programs and cameras on and off. No luck. I barely managed to figure out how to make this posting - such was the all thumb streak I have going today.

A quick peek - yes, little yellow dinosaur is still running hopelessly in space. No new news on the photo uploading. Looks like I'll have to break down. Give the case away. Let Micha obsess over that absconded driver until 3 am...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Something to say

Julian ALWAYS has something to say. Only rarely, however, does it include a word in any language we've heard before.

This evening's meal was a great hit for his two-year-dom, a fact he acknowledged by a few yums thrown into many a gilbiyi guk chortle.

We were serving up Weisswürstchen with Händlemeyers Senf and spiced up cukes - and Natürlich some excellent pretzles from Bretzelkönig... it was a fine feast, and a rare one at that, as those white sausages make only sporadic appearances in our local grocery. Julian - against all precedence - focused on the GREEN. He ate almost all of my cucumbers, leaving me to question the departure of his usual green phobia.

After the yums - we were back to the gibberish. It was pj and night night time, and J resorted to his caveman ways of pointing away from the crib and out to the light and whining. For distraction and because it has worked in the past - I said "N" - and J said N, then Night Night and NighNigh, then M and Mama and Night Night Mama. And Julian was so busy working out the letters and words in his head he didn't mind being lain down to sleep, to repeat over and over into the dark NighNigh.